Saturday 28 March 2020

Episode 15: Lockdown

This episode we are all on isolation, so recording separately from our homes - which made for an unusual experience.  

With a chat about the latest happenings in the world of film, and a dive into an 80s film loved by Andy and Lee that Scott had never got around to watching, as well as the usual round-up of our neat things of the moment, we aren't letting any virus stop us geeking out about film related topics.

Get in touch with us via our Twitter feed @FilmFileUK and share your thoughts on anything film related, or point us in the direction of a 'fun thing' we should check out.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Episode 14: Isolation

This episode takes a look at the impact of the global pandemic on the industry, which has delayed upcoming new releases - but Andy & Lee still had chance to catch a film before the cinemas all shut down.  Find out what it was, and what they thought, as these two film geeks give you another chat filled 50 minutes of fun.

Get in touch with us via our Twitter feed @FilmFileUK and share your thoughts on anything film related, or point us in the direction of a 'fun thing' we should check out.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Episode 13: Better Late Than Never

With a roundup of news items that has caught our eye, a rundown of three films on current release, and the usual chat you come to expect from the show by film geeks, for film geeks. 

Get in touch with us via our Twitter feed @FilmFileUK and share your thoughts on anything film related, or point us in the direction of a 'fun thing' we should check out.